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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Thursday 4 February

Drake Passage

We are experiencing the ‘Drake Shake’ (as opposed to the ‘Drake Lake’), and the constant movement is making many people sea sick. Lesley hasn’t eaten for around 30 hrs due to the runs again and has been taking Kwells, but she brought up the Gastrolyte she had this morning. We got out our medical bag (given/sold to us by the travel doctor we went to see before we left) and had an anti-vomiting tablet. This is when we discovered we actually had antibiotics with us for diarrhoea (Gastrostop on its own isn’t enough) so Lesley is now taking them. Fingers crossed!! Might have a little lunch today!

The good news is that we are in a lull and the sea isn’t too rough. The bad news is that we have more high seas to come! Yay! The Captain is aiming for the Shetland Islands so that the ship can be sheltered from the high winds which whip up the waves. The ship is really quite stable, so thank goodness we are not on a ship that is less stable in higher seas! However, we are all getting used to the ‘Drake Dance’ as we zigzag carefully along the corridors. There are sick-bags everywhere for us to grab if needed.

There is a competition on board, with a bottle of champagne from the Captain for the first person to see an ice-burg bigger than the ship.

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